The BIG PSHE Conversation
Firstly, thank you so much for clicking on the Facebook link to give me the opportunity to explain a little bit more about our next project which I hope you will join and also share with others.
The most difficult step with all these types of projects is here at the beginning, explaining the vision, and getting those first important people interested.
For those of you who don't know me, I have been involved in PSHE work for over twenty-five years and produced some groundbreaking resources including support from the World Health Organisation which I will share with you on this latest journey.
If you are as passionate about PSHE as I am and would like to find out more about this next project, scroll to the bottom of the screen.
Andrew Harold
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
The BIG PSHE Conversation 2024
A Brand New Concept
We are currently doing research for a resource that studies resilience and how we can help disadvantaged young learners have a better chance of reaching higher education.
To achieve this, we want to connect all those involved in PSHE and Pastoral roles from Primary School right through to Higher education in a conversation that informs everyone of the amazing work that's going on in different teaching environments at all ages and learn how they connect with each other.
PSHE has just Evolved!
Everything you need in one place
To achieve this, we are inviting everyone who is passionate about education together in one place so we can talk about PSHE and Pastoral work and learn how we can help each other.
We have just completed the first stage of this, all we require now is your interest and we will deliver the rest to you by:
Promoting this subject
Sharing with you PSHE initiatives
Delivering PSHE News
Bringing you leading professionals
Rewarding best practice
I would love you to join me on this journey!
PSHE and Pastoral Leads joining together in one voice.
I know it's an ambitious project and some will be saying it can't be done, I have experienced these naysayers before, however, I believe differently, and that's why I am hoping for your support in building a bridge of communication between everyone in this amazing subject that attracts such special and dedicated people.
It's FREE for Teachers
Never feel isolated in PSHE
An instantly accessible community
Shared knowledge and experience
Everything you need in one place
Join us in the BIG PSHE Conversation
If you are interested in hearing more, just fill in the form below and I will happily email you further details.
Once again, thank you so much for your precious time and I hope to hear back from you.
Take care,